Source code for muse_origin.lib_origin

"""Contains most of the methods that compose the ORIGIN software."""

import itertools
import logging
import warnings
from datetime import datetime
from functools import wraps
from time import time

import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning)

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from astropy.modeling.fitting import LevMarLSQFitter
from astropy.modeling.models import Gaussian1D
from astropy.nddata import overlap_slices
from astropy.stats import (
from astropy.table import Column, Table, join
from astropy.stats import sigma_clip
from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyUserWarning
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from mpdaf.obj import Image
from import progressbar
from numpy import fft
from numpy.linalg import multi_dot
from scipy import fftpack, stats
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.ndimage import binary_dilation, binary_erosion
from scipy.ndimage import label as ndi_label
from scipy.ndimage import maximum_filter
from scipy.signal import fftconvolve
from scipy.sparse.linalg import svds
from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull, cKDTree

from .source_masks import gen_source_mask

__all__ = (

def timeit(f):
    """Decorator which prints the execution time of a function."""

    def timed(*args, **kw):
        logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        t0 = time()
        result = f(*args, **kw)
        logger.debug('%s executed in %0.1fs', f.__name__, time() - t0)
        return result

    return timed

def orthogonal_projection(a, b):
    """Compute the orthogonal projection: a.(a^T.a)-1.a^T.b
    NOTE: does not include the (a^T.a)-1 term as it is often not needed (when
    a is already normalized).
    # Using multi_dot which is faster than, a.T), b)
    # Another option would be to use einsum, less readable but also very
    # fast with Numpy 1.14+ and optimize=True. This seems to be as fast as
    # multi_dot.
    # return np.einsum('i,j,jk->ik', a, a, b, optimize=True)
    if a.ndim == 1:
        a = a[:, None]
    return multi_dot([a, a.T, b])

[docs]@timeit def spatial_segmentation(Nx, Ny, NbSubcube, start=None): """Compute indices to split spatially in NbSubcube x NbSubcube regions. Each zone is computed from the left to the right and the top to the bottom First pixel of the first zone has coordinates : (row,col) = (Nx,1). Parameters ---------- Nx : int Number of columns Ny : int Number of rows NbSubcube : int Number of subcubes for the spatial segmentation start : tuple if not None, the tupe is the (y,x) starting point Returns ------- intx, inty : int, int limits in pixels of the columns/rows for each zone """ # Segmentation of the rows vector in Nbsubcube parts from right to left inty = np.linspace(Ny, 0, NbSubcube + 1, dtype=int) # Segmentation of the columns vector in Nbsubcube parts from left to right intx = np.linspace(0, Nx, NbSubcube + 1, dtype=int) if start is not None: inty += start[0] intx += start[1] return inty, intx
def DCTMAT(nl, order): """Return the DCT transformation matrix of size nl-by-(order+1). Equivalent function to Matlab/Octave's dtcmtx. Parameters ---------- order : int Order of the DCT (spectral length). Returns ------- array: DCT Matrix """ yy, xx = np.mgrid[:nl, : order + 1] D0 = np.sqrt(2 / nl) * np.cos((yy + 0.5) * (np.pi / nl) * xx) D0[:, 0] *= 1 / np.sqrt(2) return D0 @timeit def dct_residual(w_raw, order, var, approx, mask): """Function to compute the residual of the DCT on raw data. Parameters ---------- w_raw : array Data array. order : int The number of atom to keep for the DCT decomposition. var : array Variance array. approx : bool If True, an approximate computation is used, not taking the variance into account. Returns ------- Faint, cont : array Residual and continuum estimated from the DCT decomposition. """ nl = w_raw.shape[0] D0 = DCTMAT(nl, order) shape = w_raw.shape[1:] nspec = if approx: # Compute the DCT transformation, without using the variance. # # Given the transformation matrix D0, we compute for each spectrum S: # # C = D0.D0^t.S # # Old version using tensordot: # A =, D0.T) # cont = np.tensordot(A, w_raw, axes=(0, 0)) # Looping on spectra and using multidot is ~6x faster: # D0 is typically 3681x11 elements, so it is much more efficient # to compute D0^t.S first (note the array is reshaped below) cont = [ multi_dot([D0, D0.T, w_raw[:, y, x]]) for y, x in progressbar(np.ndindex(shape), total=nspec) ] # For reference, this is identical to the following scipy version, # though scipy is 2x slower than tensordot (probably because it # computes all the coefficients) # from scipy.fftpack import dct # w = (np.arange(nl) < (order + 1)).astype(int) # cont = dct(dct(w_raw, type=2, norm='ortho', axis=0) * w[:,None,None], # type=3, norm='ortho', axis=0, overwrite_x=False) else: # Compute the DCT transformation, using the variance. # # As the noise differs on each spectral component, we need to take into # account the (diagonal) covariance matrix Σ for each spectrum S: # # C = D0.(D^t.Σ^-1.D)^-1.D0^t.Σ^-1.S # w_raw_var = w_raw / var D0T = D0.T # Old version (slow): # def continuum(D0, D0T, var, w_raw_var): # A = np.linalg.inv( / var, D0)) # return, A), D0T), w_raw_var) # # cont = Parallel()( # delayed(continuum)(D0, D0T, var[:, i, j], w_raw_var[:, i, j]) # for i in range(w_raw.shape[1]) for j in range(w_raw.shape[2])) # cont = np.asarray(cont).T.reshape(w_raw.shape) # map of valid spaxels, i.e. spaxels with at least one valid value valid = ~np.any(mask, axis=0) from numpy.linalg import inv cont = [] for y, x in progressbar(np.ndindex(shape), total=nspec): if valid[y, x]: res = multi_dot( [D0, inv( / var[:, y, x], D0)), D0T, w_raw_var[:, y, x]] ) else: res = multi_dot([D0, D0.T, w_raw[:, y, x]]) cont.append(res) return np.stack(cont).T.reshape(w_raw.shape)
[docs]def compute_segmap_gauss(data, pfa, fwhm_fsf=0, bins='fd'): """Compute segmentation map from an image, using gaussian statistics. Parameters ---------- data : array Input values, typically from a O2 test. pfa : float Desired false alarm. fwhm : int Width (in integer pixels) of the filter, to convolve with a PSF disc. bins : str Method for computings bins (see numpy.histogram_bin_edges). Returns ------- float, array threshold, and labeled image. """ # test threshold : uses a Gaussian approximation of the test statistic # under H0 histO2, frecO2, gamma, mea, std = compute_thresh_gaussfit(data, pfa, bins=bins) # threshold - erosion and dilation to clean ponctual "source" mask = data > gamma mask = binary_erosion(mask, border_value=1, iterations=1) mask = binary_dilation(mask, iterations=1) # convolve with PSF if fwhm_fsf > 0: fwhm_pix = int(fwhm_fsf) // 2 size = fwhm_pix * 2 + 1 disc = np.hypot(*list(np.mgrid[:size, :size] - fwhm_pix)) < fwhm_pix mask = fftconvolve(mask, disc, mode='same') mask = mask > 1e-9 return gamma, ndi_label(mask)[0]
[docs]def compute_deblended_segmap( image, npixels=5, snr=3, dilate_size=11, maxiters=5, sigma=3, fwhm=3.0, kernelsize=5 ): """Compute segmentation map using photutils. The segmentation map is computed with the following steps: - Creation of a mask of sources with the ``snr`` threshold, using `photutils.make_source_mask`. - Estimation of the background statistics with this mask (`astropy.stats.sigma_clipped_stats`), to estimate a refined threshold with ``median + sigma * rms``. - Convolution with a Gaussian kernel. - Creation of the segmentation image, using `photutils.detect_sources`. - Deblending of the segmentation image, using `photutils.deblend_sources`. Parameters ---------- image : mpdaf.obj.Image The input image. npixels : int The number of connected pixels that an object must have to be detected. snr, dilate_size : See `photutils.make_source_mask`. maxiters, sigma : See `astropy.stats.sigma_clipped_stats`. fwhm : float Kernel size (pixels) for the PSF convolution. kernelsize : int Size of the convolution kernel. Returns ------- `~mpdaf.obj.Image` The deblended segmentation map. """ from astropy.convolution import Gaussian2DKernel from photutils import make_source_mask, detect_sources data = mask = make_source_mask(data, snr=snr, npixels=npixels, dilate_size=dilate_size) bkg_mean, bkg_median, bkg_rms = sigma_clipped_stats( data, sigma=sigma, mask=mask, maxiters=maxiters ) threshold = bkg_median + sigma * bkg_rms logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) 'Background Median %.2f RMS %.2f Threshold %.2f', bkg_median, bkg_rms, threshold ) sig = fwhm * gaussian_fwhm_to_sigma kernel = Gaussian2DKernel(sig, x_size=kernelsize, y_size=kernelsize) kernel.normalize() segm = detect_sources(data, threshold, npixels=npixels, filter_kernel=kernel) segm_deblend = phot_deblend_sources( image, segm, npixels=npixels, filter_kernel=kernel, mode='linear' ) return segm_deblend
def phot_deblend_sources(img, segmap, **kwargs): """Wrapper to catch warnings from deblend_sources.""" from photutils import deblend_sources with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings( 'ignore', category=AstropyUserWarning, message='.*contains negative values.*', ) deblend = deblend_sources(, segmap, **kwargs) return Image(, wcs=img.wcs, mask=img.mask, copy=False) def createradvar(cu, ot): """Compute the compactness of areas using variance of position. The variance is computed on the position given by adding one of the 'ot' to 'cu'. Parameters ---------- cu : 2D array The current array ot : 3D array The other array Returns ------- var : array The radial variances """ N = ot.shape[0] out = np.zeros(N) for n in range(N): tmp = cu + ot[n, :, :] y, x = np.where(tmp > 0) r = np.sqrt((y - y.mean()) ** 2 + (x - x.mean()) ** 2) out[n] = np.var(r) return out def fusion_areas(label, MinSize, MaxSize, option=None): """Function which merge areas which have a surface less than MinSize if the size after merging is less than MaxSize. The criteria of neighbor can be related to the minimum surface or to the compactness of the output area Parameters ---------- label : area The labels of areas MinSize : int The size of areas under which they need to merge MaxSize : int The size of areas above which they cant merge option : string if 'var' the compactness criteria is used if None the minimum surface criteria is used Returns ------- label : array The labels of merged areas """ while True: indlabl = np.argsort(np.sum(label, axis=(1, 2))) tampon = label.copy() for n in indlabl: # if the label is not empty cu = label[n, :, :] cu_size = np.sum(cu) if cu_size > 0 and cu_size < MinSize: # search for neighbors labdil = label[n, :, :].copy() labdil = binary_dilation(labdil, iterations=1) # only neighbors test = np.sum(label * labdil[np.newaxis, :, :], axis=(1, 2)) > 0 indice = np.where(test == 1)[0] ind = np.where(indice != n)[0] indice = indice[ind] # BOUCLER SUR LES CANDIDATS ot = label[indice, :, :] # test size of current with neighbor if option is None: test = np.sum(ot, axis=(1, 2)) elif option == 'var': test = createradvar(cu, ot) else: raise ValueError('bad option') if len(test) > 0: # keep the min-size ind = np.argmin(test) cand = indice[ind] if (np.sum(label[n, :, :]) + test[ind]) < MaxSize: label[n, :, :] += label[cand, :, :] label[cand, :, :] = 0 # clean empty area ind = np.sum(label, axis=(1, 2)) > 0 label = label[ind, :, :] tampon = tampon[ind, :, :] if np.sum(tampon - label) == 0: break return label @timeit def area_segmentation_square_fusion(nexpmap, MinS, MaxS, NbSubcube, Ny, Nx): """Create non square area based on continuum test. The full 2D image is first segmented in subcube. The area are fused in case they are too small. Thanks to the continuum test, detected sources are fused with associated area. The convex enveloppe of the sources inside each area is then done. Finally all the convex enveloppe growth until using all the pixels Parameters ---------- nexpmap : 2D array the active pixel of the image MinS : int The size of areas under which they need to merge MaxS : int The size of areas above which they cant merge NbSubcube : int Number of subcubes for the spatial segmentation Nx : int Number of columns Ny : int Number of rows Returns ------- label : array label of the fused square """ # square area index with borders Vert = np.sum(nexpmap, axis=1) Hori = np.sum(nexpmap, axis=0) y1 = np.where(Vert > 0)[0][0] x1 = np.where(Hori > 0)[0][0] y2 = Ny - np.where(Vert[::-1] > 0)[0][0] x2 = Nx - np.where(Hori[::-1] > 0)[0][0] start = (y1, x1) inty, intx = spatial_segmentation(Nx, Ny, NbSubcube, start=start) # % FUSION square AREA label = [] for numy in range(NbSubcube): for numx in range(NbSubcube): y1, y2, x1, x2 = inty[numy + 1], inty[numy], intx[numx], intx[numx + 1] tmp = nexpmap[y1:y2, x1:x2] if np.mean(tmp) != 0: labtest = ndi_label(tmp)[0] labtmax = labtest.max() for n in range(labtmax): label_tmp = np.zeros((Ny, Nx)) label_tmp[y1:y2, x1:x2] = labtest == (n + 1) label.append(label_tmp) label = np.array(label) return fusion_areas(label, MinS, MaxS) @timeit def area_segmentation_sources_fusion(labsrc, label, pfa, Ny, Nx): """Function to create non square area based on continuum test. Thanks to the continuum test, detected sources are fused with associated area. The convex enveloppe of the sources inside each area is then done. Finally all the convex enveloppe growth until using all the pixels Parameters ---------- labsrc : array segmentation map label : array label of fused square generated in area_segmentation_square_fusion pfa : float Pvalue for the test which performs segmentation NbSubcube : int Number of subcubes for the spatial segmentation Nx : int Number of columns Ny : int Number of rows Returns ------- label_out : array label of the fused square and sources """ # compute the sources label nlab = labsrc.max() sources = np.zeros((nlab, Ny, Nx)) for n in range(1, nlab + 1): sources[n - 1, :, :] = (labsrc == n) > 0 sources_save = sources.copy() nlabel = label.shape[0] nsrc = sources.shape[0] for n in range(nsrc): cu_src = sources[n, :, :] # find the area in which the current source # has bigger probability to be test = np.sum(cu_src[np.newaxis, :, :] * label, axis=(1, 2)) if len(test) > 0: ind = np.argmax(test) # associate the source to the label label[ind, :, :] = (label[ind, :, :] + cu_src) > 0 # mask other labels from this sources mask = (1 - label[ind, :, :])[np.newaxis, :, :] ot_lab = np.delete(np.arange(nlabel), ind) label[ot_lab, :, :] *= mask # delete the source sources[n, :, :] = 0 return label, np.sum(sources_save, axis=0) @timeit def area_segmentation_convex_fusion(label, src): """Function to compute the convex enveloppe of the sources inside each area is then done. Finally all the convex enveloppe growth until using all the pixels Parameters ---------- label : array label containing the fusion of fused squares and sources generated in area_segmentation_sources_fusion src : array label of estimated sources from segmentation map Returns ------- label_out : array label of the convex """ label_fin = [] # for each label for lab_n in range(label.shape[0]): # keep only the sources inside the label lab = label[lab_n, :, :] data = src * lab if np.sum(data > 0): points = np.array(np.where(data > 0)).T y_0 = points[:, 0].min() x_0 = points[:, 1].min() points[:, 0] -= y_0 points[:, 1] -= x_0 sny, snx = points[:, 0].max() + 1, points[:, 1].max() + 1 # compute the convex enveloppe of a sub part of the label lab_temp = Convexline(points, snx, sny) # in full size label_out = np.zeros((label.shape[1], label.shape[2])) label_out[y_0 : y_0 + sny, x_0 : x_0 + snx] = lab_temp label_out *= lab label_fin.append(label_out) return np.array(label_fin) def Convexline(points, snx, sny): """Function to compute the convex enveloppe of the sources inside each area is then done and full the polygone Parameters ---------- data : array contain the position of source for one of the label snx,sny: int,int the effective size of area in the label Returns ------- lab_out : array The filled convex enveloppe corresponding the sub label """ # convex enveloppe vertices hull = ConvexHull(points) xs = hull.points[hull.simplices[:, 1]] xt = hull.points[hull.simplices[:, 0]] sny, snx = points[:, 0].max() + 1, points[:, 1].max() + 1 tmp = np.zeros((sny, snx)) # create le line between vertices for n in range(hull.simplices.shape[0]): x0, x1, y0, y1 = xs[n, 1], xt[n, 1], xs[n, 0], xt[n, 0] nx = np.abs(x1 - x0) ny = np.abs(y1 - y0) if ny > nx: xa, xb, ya, yb = y0, y1, x0, x1 else: xa, xb, ya, yb = x0, x1, y0, y1 if xa > xb: xb, xa, yb, ya = xa, xb, ya, yb indx = np.arange(xa, xb, dtype=int) N = len(indx) indy = np.array(ya + (indx - xa) * (yb - ya) / N, dtype=int) if ny > nx: tmpx, tmpy = indx, indy indy, indx = tmpx, tmpy tmp[indy, indx] = 1 radius = 1 dxy = 2 * radius x = np.linspace(-dxy, dxy, 1 + (dxy) * 2) y = np.linspace(-dxy, dxy, 1 + (dxy) * 2) xv, yv = np.meshgrid(x, y) r = np.sqrt(xv ** 2 + yv ** 2) mask = np.abs(r) <= radius # to close the lines conv_lab = fftconvolve(tmp, mask, mode='same') > 1e-9 lab_out = conv_lab.copy() for n in range(conv_lab.shape[0]): ind = np.where(conv_lab[n, :] == 1)[0] lab_out[n, ind[0] : ind[-1]] = 1 return lab_out @timeit def area_growing(label, mask): """Growing and merging of all areas Parameters ---------- label : array label containing convex enveloppe of each area mask : array mask of positive pixels Returns ------- label_out : array label of the convex envelop grown to the max number of pixels """ # start by smaller set_ind = np.argsort(np.sum(label, axis=(1, 2))) # closure horizon niter = 20 label_out = label.copy() nlab = label_out.shape[0] while True: s = np.sum(label_out) for n in set_ind: cu_lab = label_out[n, :, :] ind = np.delete(np.arange(nlab), n) ot_lab = label_out[ind, :, :] border = (1 - (np.sum(ot_lab, axis=0) > 0)) * mask # closure in all case + 1 dilation cu_lab = binary_dilation(cu_lab, iterations=niter + 1) cu_lab = binary_erosion(cu_lab, border_value=1, iterations=niter) label_out[n, :, :] = cu_lab * border if np.sum(label_out) == np.sum(mask) or np.sum(label_out) == s: break return label_out @timeit def area_segmentation_final(label, MinS, MaxS): """Merging of small areas and give index Parameters ---------- label : array Label containing convex enveloppe of each area MinS : number The size of areas under which they need to merge MaxS : number The size of areas above which they cant merge Returns ------- sety,setx : array List of index of each label """ # if an area is too small label = fusion_areas(label, MinS, MaxS, option='var') # create label map areamap = np.zeros(label.shape[1:]) for i in range(label.shape[0]): areamap[label[i, :, :] > 0] = i + 1 return areamap @timeit def Compute_GreedyPCA_area( NbArea, cube_std, areamap, Noise_population, threshold_test, itermax, testO2 ): """Function to compute the PCA on each zone of a data cube. Parameters ---------- NbArea : int Number of area cube_std : array Cube data weighted by the standard deviation areamap : array Map of areas Noise_population : float Proportion of estimated noise part used to define the background spectra threshold_test : list User given list of threshold (not pfa) to apply on each area, the list is of length NbAreas or of length 1. itermax : int Maximum number of iterations testO2 : list of arrays Result of the O2 test Returns ------- cube_faint : array Faint greedy decomposition od STD Cube """ cube_faint = cube_std.copy() mapO2 = np.zeros(cube_std.shape[1:]) nstop = 0 area_iter = range(1, NbArea + 1) if NbArea > 1: area_iter = progressbar(area_iter) for area_ind in area_iter: # limits of each spatial zone ksel = areamap == area_ind # Data in this spatio-spectral zone cube_temp = cube_std[:, ksel] thr = threshold_test[area_ind - 1] test = testO2[area_ind - 1] cube_faint[:, ksel], mO2, kstop = Compute_GreedyPCA( cube_temp, test, thr, Noise_population, itermax ) mapO2[ksel] = mO2 nstop += kstop return cube_faint, mapO2, nstop def Compute_PCA_threshold(faint, pfa): """Compute threshold for the PCA. Parameters ---------- faint : array Standardized data. pfa : float PFA of the test. Returns ------- test, histO2, frecO2, thresO2, mea, std Threshold for the O2 test """ test = O2test(faint) # automatic threshold computation histO2, frecO2, thresO2, mea, std = compute_thresh_gaussfit(test, pfa) return test, histO2, frecO2, thresO2, mea, std
[docs]def Compute_GreedyPCA(cube_in, test, thresO2, Noise_population, itermax): """Function to compute greedy svd. thanks to the test (test_fun) and according to a defined threshold (threshold_test) the cube is segmented in nuisance and background part. A part of the background part (1/Noise_population %) is used to compute a mean background, a signature. The Nuisance part is orthogonalized to this signature in order to not loose this part during the greedy process. SVD is performed on nuisance in order to modelized the nuisance part and the principal eigen vector, only one, is used to perform the projection of the whole set of data: Nuisance and background. The Nuisance spectra which satisfied the test are updated in the background computation and the background is so cleaned from sources signature. The iteration stop when all the spectra satisfy the criteria Parameters ---------- Cube_in : array The 3D cube data clean test_fun: function the test to be performed on data Noise_population : float Fraction of spectra estimated as background itermax : int Maximum number of iterations Returns ------- faint : array cleaned cube mapO2 : array 2D MAP filled with the number of iteration per spectra thresO2 : float Threshold for the O2 test nstop : int Nb of times the iterations have been stopped when > itermax """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # nuisance part pypx = np.where(test > thresO2)[0] npix = len(pypx) faint = cube_in.copy() mapO2 = np.zeros(faint.shape[1]) nstop = 0 with progressbar(total=npix, miniters=0, leave=False) as bar: # greedy loop based on test nbiter = 0 while len(pypx) > 0: nbiter += 1 mapO2[pypx] += 1 if nbiter > itermax: nstop += 1 logger.warning('Warning iterations stopped at %d', nbiter) break # vector data test_v = np.ravel(test) test_v = test_v[test_v > 0] nind = np.where(test_v <= thresO2)[0] sortind = np.argsort(test_v[nind]) # at least one spectra is used to perform the test nb = 1 + int(len(nind) / Noise_population) # background estimation b = np.mean(faint[:, nind[sortind[:nb]]], axis=1) # cube segmentation x_red = faint[:, pypx] # orthogonal projection with background. x_red -= orthogonal_projection(b, x_red) x_red /= np.nansum(b ** 2) # sparse svd if nb spectrum > 1 else normal svd if x_red.shape[1] == 1: break # if PCA will not converge or if giant pint source will exists # in faint PCA the reason will be here, in later case # add condition while calculating the "mean_in_pca" # deactivate the substraction of the mean. # This will make the vector whish is above threshold # equal to the background. For now we prefer to keep it, to # stop iteration earlier in order to keep residual sources # with the hypothesis that this spectrum is slightly above # the threshold (what we observe in data) U, s, V = np.linalg.svd(x_red, full_matrices=False) else: U, s, V = svds(x_red, k=1) # orthogonal projection faint -= orthogonal_projection(U[:, 0], faint) # test test = O2test(faint) # nuisance part pypx = np.where(test > thresO2)[0] bar.update(npix - len(pypx) - bar.n) bar.update(npix - len(pypx) - bar.n) return faint, mapO2, nstop
def O2test(arr): """Compute the second order test on spaxels. The test estimate the background part and nuisance part of the data by mean of second order test: Testing mean and variance at same time of spectra. Parameters ---------- arr : array-like The 3D cube data to test. Returns ------- ndarray result of the test. """ # np.einsum('ij,ij->j', arr, arr) / arr.shape[0] return np.mean(arr ** 2, axis=0)
[docs]def compute_thresh_gaussfit(data, pfa, bins='fd', sigclip=10): """Compute a threshold with a gaussian fit of a distribution. Parameters ---------- data : array 2D data from the O2 test. pfa : float Desired false alarm. bins : str Method for computings bins (see numpy.histogram_bin_edges). Returns ------- histO2 : histogram value of the test frecO2 : frequencies of the histogram thresO2 : automatic threshold for the O2 test mea : mean value of the fit std : sigma value of the fit """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) data = data[data > 0] data = sigma_clip(data, sigclip) data = data.compressed() histO2, frecO2 = np.histogram(data, bins=bins, density=True) ind = np.argmax(histO2) mod = frecO2[ind] ind2 = np.argmin((histO2[ind] / 2 - histO2[:ind]) ** 2) fwhm = mod - frecO2[ind2] sigma = fwhm / np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2)) coef = stats.norm.ppf(pfa) thresO2 = mod - sigma * coef logger.debug('1st estimation mean/std/threshold: %f/%f/%f', mod, sigma, thresO2) x = (frecO2[1:] + frecO2[:-1]) / 2 g1 = Gaussian1D(amplitude=histO2.max(), mean=mod, stddev=sigma) fit_g = LevMarLSQFitter() xcut = g1.mean + gaussian_sigma_to_fwhm * g1.stddev / 2 ksel = x < xcut g2 = fit_g(g1, x[ksel], histO2[ksel]) mea, std = (g2.mean.value, g2.stddev.value) # make sure to return float, not np.float64 thresO2 = float(mea - std * coef) return histO2, frecO2, thresO2, mea, std
def _convolve_fsf(psf, cube, weights=None): ones = np.ones_like(cube) if weights is not None: cube = cube * weights ones *= weights psf = np.ascontiguousarray(psf[::-1, ::-1]) psf -= psf.mean() # build a weighting map per PSF and convolve cube_fsf = fftconvolve(cube, psf, mode='same') # Spatial part of the norm of the 3D atom psf **= 2 norm_fsf = fftconvolve(ones, psf, mode='same') return cube_fsf, norm_fsf def _convolve_profile(Dico, cube_fft, norm_fft, fshape, n_jobs, parallel): # Second cube of correlation values dico_fft = fft.rfftn(Dico, fshape)[:, None] * cube_fft cube_profile = _convolve_spectral( parallel, n_jobs, dico_fft, fshape, func=fft.irfftn ) dico_fft = fft.rfftn(Dico ** 2, fshape)[:, None] * norm_fft norm_profile = _convolve_spectral( parallel, n_jobs, dico_fft, fshape, func=fft.irfftn ) norm_profile[norm_profile <= 0] = np.inf np.sqrt(norm_profile, out=norm_profile) cube_profile /= norm_profile return cube_profile def _convolve_spectral(parallel, nslices, arr, shape, func=fft.rfftn): arr = np.array_split(arr, nslices, axis=-1) out = parallel(delayed(func)(chunk, shape, axes=(0,)) for chunk in arr) return np.concatenate(out, axis=-1)
[docs]@timeit def Correlation_GLR_test( cube, fsf, weights, profiles, nthreads=1, pcut=None, pmeansub=True ): """Compute the cube of GLR test values with the given PSF and dictionary of spectral profiles. Parameters ---------- cube : array data cube fsf : list of arrays FSF for each field of this data cube weights : list of array Weight maps of each field profiles : list of ndarray Dictionary of spectral profiles to test nthreads : int number of threads pcut : float Cut applied to the profiles to limit their width pmeansub : bool Subtract the mean of the profiles Returns ------- correl : array cube of T_GLR values of maximum correlation profile : array Number of the profile associated to the T_GLR correl_min : array cube of T_GLR values of minimum correlation """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) Nz, Ny, Nx = cube.shape # Spatial convolution of the weighted data with the zero-mean FSF 'Step 1/3 and 2/3: ' 'Spatial convolution of weighted data with the zero-mean FSF, ' 'Computing Spatial part of the norm of the 3D atoms' ) if weights is None: # one FSF fsf = [fsf] weights = [None] nfields = len(fsf) fields = range(nfields) if nfields > 1: fields = progressbar(fields) if nthreads != 1: # copy the arrays because otherwise joblib's memmap handling fails # (maybe because of doing weird things with the memap?) cube = np.array(cube) # Make sure that we have a float array in C-order because scipy.fft # (new in v1.4) fails with Fortran ordered arrays. cube = cube.astype(float) with Parallel(n_jobs=nthreads) as parallel: for nf in fields: # convolve spatially each spectral channel by the FSF, and do the # same for the norm (inverse variance) res = parallel( progressbar( [ delayed(_convolve_fsf)(fsf[nf][i], cube[i], weights=weights[nf]) for i in range(Nz) ] ) ) res = [np.stack(arr) for arr in zip(*res)] if nf == 0: cube_fsf, norm_fsf = res else: cube_fsf += res[0] norm_fsf += res[1] # First cube of correlation values # initialization with the first profile'Step 3/3 Computing second cube of correlation values') # Prepare profiles: # Cut the profiles and subtract the mean, if asked to do so prof_cut = [] for prof in profiles: prof = prof.copy() if pcut is not None: lpeak = prof.argmax() lw = np.max(np.abs(np.where(prof >= pcut)[0][[0, -1]] - lpeak)) prof = prof[lpeak - lw : lpeak + lw + 1] prof /= np.linalg.norm(prof) if pmeansub: prof -= prof.mean() prof_cut.append(prof) # compute the optimal shape for FFTs (on the wavelength axis). # For profiles with different shapes, we need to know the indices to # extract the signal from the inverse fft. s1 = np.array(cube_fsf.shape) # cube shape s2 = np.array([(d.shape[0], 1, 1) for d in prof_cut]) # profiles shape fftshape = s1 + s2 - 1 # fft shape fshape = [ fftpack.helper.next_fast_len(int(d)) # optimal fft shape for d in fftshape.max(axis=0)[:1] ] # and now computes the indices to extract the cube from the inverse fft. startind = (fftshape - s1) // 2 endind = startind + s1 cslice = [slice(startind[k, 0], endind[k, 0]) for k in range(len(endind))] # Compute the FFTs of the cube and norm cube, splitting them on multiple # threads if needed with Parallel(n_jobs=nthreads, backend='threading') as parallel: cube_fft = _convolve_spectral( parallel, nthreads, cube_fsf, fshape, func=fft.rfftn ) norm_fft = _convolve_spectral( parallel, nthreads, norm_fsf, fshape, func=fft.rfftn ) cube_fsf = norm_fsf = res = None cube_fft = cube_fft.reshape(cube_fft.shape[0], -1) norm_fft = norm_fft.reshape(norm_fft.shape[0], -1) profile = np.empty((Nz, Ny * Nx), dtype=np.uint8) correl = np.full((Nz, Ny * Nx), -np.inf) correl_min = np.full((Nz, Ny * Nx), np.inf) # for each profile, compute convolve the convolved cube and norm cube. # Then for each pixel we keep the maximum correlation (and min correlation) # and the profile number with the max correl. with Parallel(n_jobs=nthreads, backend='threading') as parallel: for k in progressbar(range(len(prof_cut))): cube_profile = _convolve_profile( prof_cut[k], cube_fft, norm_fft, fshape, nthreads, parallel ) cube_profile = cube_profile[cslice[k]] profile[cube_profile > correl] = k np.maximum(correl, cube_profile, out=correl) np.minimum(correl_min, cube_profile, out=correl_min) profile = profile.reshape(Nz, Ny, Nx) correl = correl.reshape(Nz, Ny, Nx) correl_min = correl_min.reshape(Nz, Ny, Nx) return correl, profile, correl_min
[docs]def compute_local_max(correl, correl_min, mask, size=3): """Compute the local maxima of the maximum correlation and local maxima of minus the minimum correlation distribution. Parameters ---------- correl : array T_GLR values with edges excluded (from max correlation) correl_min : array T_GLR values with edges excluded (from min correlation) mask : array mask array (true if pixel is masked) size : int Number of connected components Returns ------- array, array local maxima of correlations and local maxima of -correlations """ # local maxima of maximum correlation if np.isscalar(size): size = (size, size, size) local_max = maximum_filter(correl, size=size) local_mask = correl == local_max local_mask[mask] = False local_max *= local_mask # local maxima of minus minimum correlation minus_correl_min = -correl_min local_min = maximum_filter(minus_correl_min, size=size) local_mask = minus_correl_min == local_min local_mask[mask] = False local_min *= local_mask return local_max, local_min
def itersrc(cat, tol_spat, tol_spec, n, id_cu): """Recursive function to perform the spatial merging. If neighborhood are close spatially to a lines: they are merged, then the neighbor of the seed is analysed if they are enough close to the current line (a neighbor of the original seed) they are merged only if the frequency is enough close (surrogate) if the frequency is different it is rejected. If two line (or a group of lines and a new line) are: Enough close without a big spectral gap not in the same label (a group in background close to one source inside a source label) the resulting ID is the ID of the source label and not the background Parameters ---------- cat : kinda of catalog of the previously merged lines xout,yout,zout,aout,iout: the 3D position, area label and ID for all analysed lines tol_spat : int spatial tolerance for the spatial merging tol_spec : int spectral tolerance for the spectral merging n : int index of the original seed id_cu : ID of the original seed """ # compute spatial distance to other points. # - id_cu is the detection processed at the start (from # spatiospectral_merging), while n is the detection currently processed # in the recursive call matched = cat['matched'] spatdist = np.hypot(cat['x0'][n] - cat['x0'], cat['y0'][n] - cat['y0']) spatdist[matched] = np.inf cu_spat = np.hypot(cat['x0'][id_cu] - cat['x0'], cat['y0'][id_cu] - cat['y0']) cu_spat[matched] = np.inf ind = np.where(spatdist < tol_spat)[0] if len(ind) == 0: return for indn in ind: if not matched[indn]: if cu_spat[indn] > tol_spat * np.sqrt(2): # check spectral content dz = np.sqrt((cat['z0'][indn] - cat['z0'][id_cu]) ** 2) if dz < tol_spec: cat[indn]['matched'] = True cat[indn]['imatch'] = id_cu itersrc(cat, tol_spat, tol_spec, indn, id_cu) else: cat[indn]['matched'] = True cat[indn]['imatch'] = id_cu itersrc(cat, tol_spat, tol_spec, indn, id_cu)
[docs]def spatiospectral_merging(tbl, tol_spat, tol_spec): """Perform the spatial and spatio spectral merging. The spectral merging give the same ID if several group of lines (from spatial merging) if they share at least one line frequency Parameters ---------- tbl : `astropy.table.Table` ID,x,y,z,... tol_spat : int spatial tolerance for the spatial merging tol_spec : int spectral tolerance for the spectral merging Returns ------- `astropy.table.Table` Table: id, x, y, z, area, imatch, imatch2 imatch is the ID after spatial and spatio spectral merging. imatch2 is the ID after spatial merging only. """ Nz = len(tbl) tbl['_id'] = np.arange(Nz) # id of the detection tbl['matched'] = np.zeros(Nz, dtype=bool) # is the detection matched ? tbl['imatch'] = np.arange(Nz) # id of the matched detection for row in tbl: if not row['matched']: row['matched'] = True itersrc(tbl, tol_spat, tol_spec, row['_id'], row['_id']) # renumber output IDs for n, imatch in enumerate(np.unique(tbl['imatch'])): # for detections in multiple segmap regions, set the max region # number... this is needed to select all detections in the loop below ind = tbl['imatch'] == imatch tbl['area'][ind] = tbl['area'][ind].max() tbl['imatch'][ind] = n tbl.sort('imatch') # Special treatment for segmap regions, merge sources with close # spectral lines tbl['imatch2'] = tbl['imatch'] # store result before spectral merging iout = tbl['imatch'] zout = tbl['z0'] for n, area_cu in enumerate(np.unique(tbl['area'])): if area_cu > 0: # take all detections inside a segmap region ind = np.where(tbl['area'] == area_cu)[0] group_dep = np.unique(iout[ind]) for cu in group_dep: group = np.unique(iout[ind]) if len(group) == 1: # if there is only one group remaining break if cu in group: for otg in group: if otg != cu: zin = zout[iout == cu] zot = zout[iout == otg] difz = zin[np.newaxis, :].T - zot[np.newaxis, :] if np.sqrt(difz ** 2).min() < tol_spec: # if the minimum z distance is less than # tol_spec, then merge the sources iout[iout == otg] = cu tbl.remove_columns(('_id', 'matched')) return tbl
[docs]@timeit def Compute_threshold_purity( purity, cube_local_max, cube_local_min, segmap=None, threshlist=None ): """Compute threshold values corresponding to a given purity. Parameters ---------- purity : float The target purity between 0 and 1. cube_local_max : array Cube of local maxima from maximum correlation. cube_local_min : array Cube of local maxima from minus minimum correlation. segmap : array Segmentation map to get the background regions. threshlist : list List of thresholds to compute the purity (default None). Returns ------- threshold : float The estimated threshold associated to the purity. res : astropy.table.Table Table with the purity results for each threshold: - PVal_r : The purity function - index_pval : index value to plot - Det_m : Number of detections (-DATA) - Det_M : Number of detections (+DATA) """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # total number of spaxels L1 =[1:]) # background only if segmap is not None: segmask = segmap == 0 cube_local_min = cube_local_min * segmask # number of spaxels considered for calibration L0 = np.count_nonzero(segmask)'using only background pixels (%.1f%%)', L0 / L1 * 100) else: L0 = L1 if threshlist is None: threshmax = min(cube_local_min.max(), cube_local_max.max()) threshmin = np.median(np.amax(cube_local_max, axis=0)) * 1.1 threshlist = np.linspace(threshmin, threshmax, 50) else: threshmin = np.min(threshlist) locM = cube_local_max[cube_local_max > threshmin] locm = cube_local_min[cube_local_min > threshmin] n0, n1 = [], [] for thresh in progressbar(threshlist): n1.append(np.count_nonzero(locM > thresh)) n0.append(np.count_nonzero(locm > thresh)) n0 = np.array(n0) * (L1 / L0) n1 = np.array(n1) est_purity = 1 - n0 / n1 res = Table( [threshlist, est_purity, n0.astype(int), n1], names=('Tval_r', 'Pval_r', 'Det_m', 'Det_M'), ) res['Tval_r'].format = '.2f' res['Pval_r'].format = '.2f' res.sort('Tval_r') logger.debug("purity values:\n%s", res) if est_purity[-1] < purity: logger.warning( 'Maximum computed purity %.2f is below %.2f', est_purity[-1], purity ) threshold = np.inf else: threshold = np.interp(purity, res['Pval_r'], res['Tval_r']) detect = np.interp(threshold, res['Tval_r'], res['Det_M']) 'Interpolated Threshold %.2f Detection %d for Purity %.2f', threshold, detect, purity, ) # make sure to return float, not np.float64 return float(threshold), res
def LS_deconv_wgt(data_in, var_in, psf_in): """Function to compute the Least Square estimation of a ponctual source. Parameters ---------- data_in : array input data var_in : array input variance psf_in : array weighted MUSE PSF Returns ------- deconv_out : array LS Deconvolved spectrum varest_out : array estimated theoretic variance """ # deconvolution nl = psf_in.shape[0] var = var_in.reshape(nl, -1) psf = psf_in.reshape(nl, -1) data = data_in.reshape(nl, -1) varest_out = 1 / np.sum(psf * psf / var, axis=1) deconv_out = np.sum(psf * data / np.sqrt(var), axis=1) * varest_out return deconv_out, varest_out def conv_wgt(deconv_met, psf_in): """Compute the convolution of a spectrum. output is a cube. Parameters ---------- deconv_met : array LS Deconvolved spectrum psf_in : array weighted MUSE PSF Returns ------- cube_conv : array Cube, convolution from deconv_met """ cube_conv = psf_in * deconv_met[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] # FIXME: how the following can be useful ? cube_conv = cube_conv * (np.abs(psf_in) > 0) return cube_conv def method_PCA_wgt(data_in, var_in, psf_in, order_dct): """Function to Perform PCA LS or Denoised PCA LS. Algorithm: - principal eigen vector is computed, RAW data are orthogonalized this is the first estimation to modelize the continuum - on residual, the line is estimated by least square estimation - the estimated line is convolved by the psf and removed from RAW data - principal eigen vector is computed. - PCA LS: RAW data are orthogonalized, this is the second estimation to modelize the continuum - Denoised PCA LS: The eigen vector is denoised by a DCT, with the new eigen vector RAW data are orthogonalized, this is the second estimation to modelize the continuum - on residual, the line is estimated by least square estimation Parameters ---------- data_in : array RAW data var_in : array MUSE covariance psf_in : array MUSE PSF order_dct : int order of the DCT for the Denoised PCA LS. If None use PCA LS. Returns ------- estimated_line : estimated line estimated_var : estimated variance """ # STD nl = psf_in.shape[0] data_std = data_in / np.sqrt(var_in) data_st_pca = data_std.reshape(nl, -1) # PCA data_in_pca = data_st_pca - data_st_pca.mean(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] U, s, V = svds(data_in_pca, k=1) # orthogonal projection xest = orthogonal_projection(U, data_in_pca) residual = data_std - np.reshape(xest, psf_in.shape) # LS deconv deconv_out, _ = LS_deconv_wgt(residual, var_in, psf_in) # PSF convolution conv_out = conv_wgt(deconv_out, psf_in) # cleaning the data data_clean = (data_in - conv_out) / np.sqrt(var_in) # 2nd PCA data_in_pca = data_clean.reshape(nl, -1) data_in_pca -= data_in_pca.mean(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] U, s, V = svds(data_in_pca, k=1) if order_dct is not None: # denoise eigen vector with DCT D0 = DCTMAT(nl, order_dct) U = orthogonal_projection(D0, U) # orthogonal projection xest = orthogonal_projection(U, data_st_pca) cont = np.reshape(xest, psf_in.shape) residual = data_std - cont # LS deconvolution of the line estimated_line, estimated_var = LS_deconv_wgt(residual, var_in, psf_in) # PSF convolution of estimated line # FIXME: any reason to compute this ?? # conv_out = conv_wgt(estimated_line, psf_in) return estimated_line, estimated_var def GridAnalysis( data, var, psf, weight, horiz, size_grid, y0, x0, z0, ny, nx, horiz_psf, criteria, order_dct, ): """Compute the estimated emission line and the optimal coordinates for each detected lines in a spatio-spectral grid. Parameters ---------- data : array RAW data minicube var : array MUSE covariance minicube psf : array MUSE PSF minicube weight : array PSF weights minicube horiz : int Maximum spectral shift to compute the criteria for gridding size_grid : int Maximum spatial shift for the grid y0, x0, z0 : int y, x, z position in pixel from catalog ny, nx : int Shape from the full data Cube. horiz_psf : int Maximum spatial shift in size of PSF to compute the MSE criteria : string criteria used to choose the candidate in the grid: flux or mse order_dct : int order of the DCT Used in the Denoised PCA LS, set to None the method become PCA LS only Returns ------- flux_est_5 : float Estimated flux +/- 5 MSE_5 : float Mean square error +/- 5 estimated_line : array Estimated lines in data space estimated_variance : array Estimated variance in data space y, z, x : int re-estimated y, x, z position in pixel of the source in the grid """ if criteria not in ('flux', 'mse'): raise ValueError('Bad criteria: (flux) or (mse)') shape = (1 + 2 * size_grid, 1 + 2 * size_grid) zest = np.zeros(shape) if criteria == 'flux': fest_00 = np.zeros(shape) if criteria == 'mse': mse = np.full(shape, np.inf) fest_05 = np.zeros(shape) mse_5 = np.full(shape, np.inf) nl = data.shape[0] ind_max = slice(max(0, z0 - 5), min(nl, z0 + 6)) sizpsf = psf.shape[1] if weight is None else psf[0].shape[1] lin_est = np.zeros((nl,) + shape) var_est = np.zeros((nl,) + shape) # half size psf longxy = sizpsf // 2 inds = slice(longxy - horiz_psf, longxy + 1 + horiz_psf) # compute valid offsets dxl = np.arange(1 + 2 * size_grid) dyl = np.arange(1 + 2 * size_grid) dxl = dxl[(x0 + dxl - size_grid >= 0) & (x0 + dxl - size_grid < nx)] dyl = dyl[(y0 + dyl - size_grid >= 0) & (y0 + dyl - size_grid < ny)] for dx in dxl: for dy in dyl: # extract data r1 = data[:, dy : dy + sizpsf, dx : dx + sizpsf] v1 = var[:, dy : dy + sizpsf, dx : dx + sizpsf] if weight is not None: wgt = np.array(weight)[:, dy : sizpsf + dy, dx : sizpsf + dx] psf = np.sum( np.repeat(wgt[:, np.newaxis, :, :], nl, axis=1) * psf, axis=0 ) # estimate Full Line and theoretic variance deconv_met, varest_met = method_PCA_wgt(r1, v1, psf, order_dct) z_est = peakdet(deconv_met[ind_max]) if z_est == 0: break maxz = z0 - 5 + z_est zest[dy, dx] = maxz # ind_z10 = np.arange(maxz-10,maxz+10) lin_est[:, dy, dx] = deconv_met var_est[:, dy, dx] = varest_met # compute MSE ind_hrz = slice(maxz - horiz, maxz + horiz + 1) if criteria == 'mse': LC = conv_wgt(deconv_met[ind_hrz], psf[ind_hrz]) LCred = LC[:, inds, inds] r1red = r1[ind_hrz, inds, inds] mse[dy, dx] = np.sum((r1red - LCred) ** 2) / np.sum(r1red ** 2) # FIXME: if horiz=5, this is the same as above... ind_z5 = np.arange(max(0, maxz - 5), min(maxz + 6, nl)) LC = conv_wgt(deconv_met[ind_z5], psf[ind_z5, :, :]) LCred = LC[:, inds, inds] r1red = r1[ind_z5, inds, inds] mse_5[dy, dx] = np.sum((r1red - LCred) ** 2) / np.sum(r1red ** 2) # compute flux if criteria == 'flux': fest_00[dy, dx] = np.sum(deconv_met[ind_hrz]) fest_05[dy, dx] = np.sum(deconv_met[ind_z5]) # fest_10[dy,dx] = np.sum(deconv_met[ind_z10]) if criteria == 'flux': wy, wx = np.where(fest_00 == fest_00.max()) elif criteria == 'mse': wy, wx = np.where(mse == mse.min()) # RB to solve bug if (len(wx) == 0) or (len(wy) == 0): return ( 0.0, 1.0e6, [0], [0], y0, x0, z0, ) y = y0 - size_grid + wy x = x0 - size_grid + wx z = zest[wy, wx] flux_est_5 = float(fest_05[wy, wx]) MSE_5 = float(mse_5[wy, wx]) # flux_est_10 = float( fest_10[wy,wx] ) # MSE_10 = float( mse_10[wy,wx] ) estimated_line = lin_est[:, wy, wx] estimated_variance = var_est[:, wy, wx] return ( flux_est_5, MSE_5, estimated_line.ravel(), estimated_variance.ravel(), int(y), int(x), int(z), ) def peakdet(v): # find all local maxima: x>x-1 & x>x+1 ind = np.where((v[1:-1] > v[:-2]) & (v[1:-1] > v[2:]))[0] + 1 # take the maximum and closest from the center imax = v.size // 2 if len(ind) > 0: imax = ind[np.argmin((ind - imax) ** 2)] return imax
[docs]@timeit def estimation_line( Cat1, raw, var, psf, wght, wcs, wave, size_grid=1, criteria='flux', order_dct=30, horiz_psf=1, horiz=5, ): """Compute the estimated emission line and the optimal coordinates for each detected lines in a spatio-spectral grid. Parameters ---------- Cat1 : astropy.Table Catalog of parameters of detected emission lines selected with a narrow band test. Columns: ra dec lbda x0 y0 z0 T_GLR profile data : array raw data var : array MUSE variance psf : array MUSE PSF wght : array PSF weights wcs : `mpdaf.obj.WCS` RA-DEC coordinates. wave : `mpdaf.obj.WaveCoord` Spectral coordinates. size_grid : int Maximum spatial shift for the grid criteria : string criteria used to choose the candidate in the grid: flux or mse order_dct : int order of the DCT Used in the Denoised PCA LS, set to None the method become PCA LS only horiz_psf : int Maximum spatial shift in size of PSF to compute the MSE horiz : int Maximum spectral shift to compute the criteria Returns ------- Cat2 : astropy.Table Catalog of parameters of detected emission lines. Columns: ra dec lbda x0 x1 y0 y1 z0 z1 T_GLR profile residual flux num_line lin_est : list of arrays Estimated lines in data space var_est : list of arrays Estimated lines in SNR space """ ny, nx = raw.shape[1:] # psf shape if wght is None: psf_shape = psf.shape[1:] red_wgt = None red_psf = psf else: psf_shape = psf[0].shape[1:] # desired shape margin = 2 * size_grid shape = (psf_shape[0] + margin, psf_shape[1] + margin) cshape = (raw.shape[0],) + shape res = [] for src in progressbar(Cat1): z, y, x = tuple(src[['z0', 'y0', 'x0']]) # extract data around the current position, with margin (psy, psx), (psy2, psx2) = overlap_slices(raw.shape[1:], shape, (y, x)) red_dat = np.zeros(cshape) red_dat[:, psy2, psx2] = raw[:, psy, psx] red_var = np.full(cshape, np.inf) red_var[:, psy2, psx2] = var[:, psy, psx] if wght is not None: red_wgt = [] red_psf = [] for n, w in enumerate(wght): if np.sum(w[psy, psx]) > 0: w_tmp = np.zeros(shape) w_tmp[psy2, psx2] = w[psy, psx] red_wgt.append(w_tmp) red_psf.append(psf[n]) rg = GridAnalysis( red_dat, red_var, red_psf, red_wgt, horiz, size_grid, y, x, z, ny, nx, horiz_psf, criteria, order_dct, ) res.append(rg) flux5, res_min5, lin_est, var_est, y_grid, x_grid, z_grid = zip(*res) # add real coordinates Cat2 = Cat1.copy() dec, ra = wcs.pix2sky(np.stack((y_grid, x_grid)).T).T Cat2['ra'] = ra Cat2['dec'] = dec Cat2['lbda'] = wave.coord(z_grid) col_flux = Column(name='flux', data=flux5) col_res = Column(name='residual', data=res_min5) col_num = Column(name='num_line', data=np.arange(1, len(Cat2) + 1)) col_x = Column(name='x', data=x_grid) col_y = Column(name='y', data=y_grid) col_z = Column(name='z', data=z_grid) Cat2.add_columns( [col_x, col_y, col_z, col_res, col_flux, col_num], indexes=[4, 5, 6, 8, 8, 8] ) return Cat2, lin_est, var_est
[docs]def purity_estimation(cat, Pval, Pval_comp): """Function to compute the estimated purity for each line. Parameters ---------- cat : astropy.Table Catalog of parameters of detected emission lines selected with a narrow band test. Pval : astropy.table.Table Table with the purity results for each threshold Pval_comp : astropy.table.Table Table with the purity results for each threshold, in complementary Returns ------- astropy.Table Catalog of parameters of detected emission lines. Columns: ra dec lbda x0 x1 y0 y1 z0 z1 T_GLR profile residual flux num_line purity """ # set to 0 if only 1 purity meaurement purity = np.zeros(len(cat)) # Comp=0 ksel = cat['comp'] == 0 if np.count_nonzero(ksel) > 0: tglr = cat['T_GLR'][ksel] f = interp1d( Pval['Tval_r'], Pval['Pval_r'], bounds_error=False, fill_value="extrapolate" ) purity[ksel] = f( # comp=1 ksel = cat['comp'] == 1 if np.count_nonzero(ksel) > 0: tglr = cat['STD'][ksel] f = interp1d( Pval_comp['Tval_r'], Pval_comp['Pval_r'], bounds_error=False, fill_value="extrapolate", ) purity[ksel] = f( # The purity by definition cannot be > 1 and < 0, if the interpolation # gives a value outside these limits, replace by 1 or 0 cat['purity'] = np.clip(purity, 0, 1) cat['purity'].format = '.3f' return cat
[docs]def unique_sources(table): """Return unique source positions in table. ORIGIN produces a list of lines associated to various sources identified by the ID column. Some objects contain several lines found at slightly different positions. This function computes the list of unique sources averaging the RA and Dec of each line using the flux as weight. The resulting table contains: - ID: the identifier of the source (unique); - ra, dec: the RA, Dec position in degrees - x, y: the spatial position in pixels, - n_lines: the number of lines associated to the source; - seg_label: the label of the segment associated to the source in the segmentation map; - comp: boolean flag true for complementary sources detected only in the cube before the PCA. - line_merged_flag: boolean flag indicating if any of the lines associated to the source was merged with another nearby line. - waves: a list of the first three wavelengths (comma separated), sorted by decreasing flux Note: The n_lines contains the number of unique lines associated to the source, but for computing the position of the source, we are using all the duplicated lines as shredded sources may have identical lines found at different positions. Parameters ---------- table: astropy.table.Table A table of lines from ORIGIN. The table must contain the columns: ID, ra, dec, x, y, flux, seg_label, comp, merged_in, and line_merged_flag. Returns ------- astropy.table.Table Table with unique sources. """ table_by_id = table.group_by('ID') result_rows = [] for key, group in progressbar( zip(table_by_id.groups.keys, table_by_id.groups), total=len(table_by_id.groups) ): group_id = key['ID'] ra_waverage = np.average(group['ra'], weights=group['flux']) dec_waverage = np.average(group['dec'], weights=group['flux']) x_waverage = np.average(group['x'], weights=group['flux']) y_waverage = np.average(group['y'], weights=group['flux']) # The number of lines in the source is the number of lines that have # not been merged in another one. n_lines = np.sum(group['merged_in'] == -9999) seg_label = group['seg_label'][0] comp = group['comp'][0] # FIXME: not necessarily true line_merged_flag = np.any(group["line_merged_flag"]) ngroup = group[group['merged_in'] == -9999] ngroup.sort('flux') waves = ','.join([str(int(l)) for l in ngroup['lbda'][:-4:-1]]) result_rows.append( [ group_id, ra_waverage, dec_waverage, x_waverage, y_waverage, n_lines, seg_label, comp, line_merged_flag, waves, ] ) source_table = Table( rows=result_rows, names=[ "ID", "ra", "dec", "x", "y", "n_lines", "seg_label", "comp", "line_merged_flag", "waves", ], ) source_table.meta["CAT3_TS"] = table.meta["CAT3_TS"] return source_table
[docs]def add_tglr_stat(src_table, lines_table, correl, std): """Add TGLR and STD detection statistics to the source and line table. The following column is added to the line table: - nsigTGLR: the ratio of the line Tglr value with the standard deviation of the TGLR cube (for comp = 0 lines). - nsigSTD: the ratio of the line STD value with the standard deviation of the STD cube (for comp = 1 lines). The following columns are added to the source table - nsigTGLR: the maximum of nstd_Tglr for all detected lines, - T_GLR the maximum of Tglr for all detected lines with comp=0 - STD: the maximum of Std for all detected lines with comp=1 - nsigSTD: the maximum of nstd_STD for all detected lines with comp=1, - purity: the maximum of purity for all detected lines - flux: the maximum of flux of all detected lines Parameters ---------- lines_table: astropy.table.Table A table of lines from ORIGIN. The table must contain the columns: ID, flux, Tglr, purity. src_table: astropy.table.Table A table of source from ORIGIN. The table must contain the columns: ID correl : array cube of T_GLR values of maximum correlation std : array cube of STD values """ std_correl = np.std(correl) lines_table['nsigTGLR'] = lines_table['T_GLR'] / std_correl std_std = np.std(std) lines_table['nsigSTD'] = lines_table['STD'] / std_std cols = ['ID', 'flux', 'STD', 'nsigSTD', 'T_GLR', 'nsigTGLR', 'purity'] lines = lines_table[cols] glines = lines.group_by('ID') res = glines.groups.aggregate(np.max) new_src_table = join(src_table, res) return new_src_table
[docs]def merge_similar_lines(table, *, z_pix_threshold=5): """Merge and flag possibily duplicated lines. Some ORIGIN tables associate several identical lines at different positions to the same object (same ID). Lines are considered as duplicated if they are withing the given threshold in the spectral (z) axis. We mark the duplicated lines as merged into the line of highest flux and we flag the object as having duplicated lines in the table, as the information may not be reliable. Parameters ---------- table: astropy.table.Table A table of lines from ORIGIN. The table must contain the columns: ID, z, num_line, and purity. z_pix_threshold: int Pixel threshold on the spectral axis. When two lines are nearer than this threshold, they are considered as the same line. Note that the association percolates and may associated lines further than the threshold. Returns ------- astropy.table.Table Table with the same rows and with the supplementary merged_in and line_merged_flag columns. """ table = table.copy() # We use the table grouping functionality of astropy to browse by object # and group of identical lines. Table grouping does not allow to modify # the underlying table, so we first browse the groups and get the indexes # of rows to modify and then we perform the modifications on the full # table. # List of row indexes to flag has having been merged. idx_to_flag = [] # Dictionary associating line identifiers (from num_line column) to the # index of the row that have been merged with this line. merge_dict = {} # Column containing the row indexes to access them while in groups. table.add_column(Column(data=np.arange(len(table)), name="_idx")) for group in progressbar(table.group_by('ID').groups): if len(group) == 1: continue # TODO: If astropy guaranties that grouping retains the row order, it # is faster to sort by z before grouping (and before adding _idx). group.sort('z') # Boolean array of the same length of the group indicating for each # line if it's different from the previous (with True for the first # line). different_from_previous = np.concatenate( ([True], (group['z'][1:] - group['z'][:-1]) >= z_pix_threshold) ) # By computing the cumulative sum on this array, we get an array of # increasing integers where a succession of same number identify # identical lines. line_groups = np.cumsum(different_from_previous) for subgroup in group.group_by(line_groups).groups: if len(subgroup) > 1: subgroup.sort('flux') idx_to_flag += list(subgroup['_idx']) merge_dict[subgroup['num_line'][-1]] = subgroup['_idx'][:-1] table['line_merged_flag'] = False table['line_merged_flag'][idx_to_flag] = True table['merged_in'] = np.full(len(table), -9999, dtype=int) for line_id, row_indexes in merge_dict.items(): table['merged_in'][row_indexes] = line_id table.remove_columns('_idx') table.sort(['ID', 'z']) # Add a catalog version based on the current date (up to the minutes) table.meta["CAT3_TS"] = return table
[docs]def create_masks( line_table, source_table, profile_fwhm, cube_correl, threshold_correl, cube_std, threshold_std, segmap, fwhm, out_dir, *, mask_size=25, min_sky_npixels=100, seg_thres_factor=0.5, fwhm_factor=2, plot_problems=True, ): """Create the mask of each source. This function creates the masks and sky masks of the sources in the line table using the ``origin.source_masks.gen_source_mask`` function on each source. The primary source masks are created using the cube_correl while the complementary source masks are created using the cube_std. The cube_correl and cube_std are expected to have the same WCS. TODO: Implement parallel processing. Parameters ---------- line_table: astropy.table.Table ORIGIN table of lines, this table must contain the columns: ID, x0, y0, z0, comp, and profile. source_table: astropy.table.Table ORIGIN table containing the source list. This table is used to get the position of the source. profile_fwhm: list List of the profile FWHMs. The index in the list is the profile number. cube_correl: mpdaf.obj.Cube Correlation cube where primary sources where detected. threshold_correl: float Threshold used for detection of sources in the cube_correl. cube_std: mpdaf.obj.Cube STD cube where complementary sources where detected. threshold_std: float Threshold used for detection of sources in the STD cube. segmap: mpdaf.obj.Image Segmentation map. Must have the same spatial WCS as the cube. The sky must be in segment 0. fwhm: numpy array of floats Value of the spatial FWHM in pixels at each wavelength of the detection cube. out_dir: str Directory into which the masks will be created. mask_size: int Width in pixel for the square masks. min_sky_npixels: int Minimum number of sky pixels in the mask. seg_thres_factor: float Factor applied to the detection thresholds to get the threshold used for segmentation. The default is to take half of it. fwhm_factor: float When creating a source, for each line a disk with a diameter of the FWMH multiplied by this factor is added to the source mask. plot_problems: bool If true, the problematic sources will be reprocessed by gen_source_mask in verbose mode to produce various plots of the mask creation process. """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) source_table = source_table.copy() source_table.add_index('ID') # The segmentation must be done at the exact position of the lines found by # ORIGIN (x0, y0, z0) and not the computed “optimal” position (x, y, z, ra, # and dec). Using this last postion may cause problem when it falls just # outside the segment. We replace ra, dec, and z by the initial values. line_table = line_table.copy() line_table['dec'], line_table['ra'] = cube_correl.wcs.pix2sky( np.array([line_table['y0'], line_table['x0']]).T ).T line_table['z'] = line_table['z0'] # We also add a fwhm column containing the FWHM of the line profile as # it is used for mask creation. line_table['fwhm'] = [profile_fwhm[profile] for profile in line_table['profile']] # Convert segmap to sky map (1 where sky) skymap = segmap.copy() skymap._data = (skymap._data == 0).astype(int) by_id = line_table.group_by('ID') for key, group in progressbar( zip(by_id.groups.keys, by_id.groups), total=len(by_id.groups) ): source_id = key['ID'] source_x, source_y = source_table.loc[source_id]['x', 'y'] logger.debug("Making mask of source %s.", source_id) if source_table.loc[source_id]['comp'] == 0: detection_cube = cube_correl threshold = threshold_correl * seg_thres_factor else: detection_cube = cube_std threshold = threshold_std * seg_thres_factor gen_mask_return = gen_source_mask( source_id, source_x, source_y, lines=group, detection_cube=detection_cube, threshold=threshold, cont_sky=skymap, fwhm=fwhm, out_dir=out_dir, mask_size=mask_size, min_sky_npixels=min_sky_npixels, fwhm_factor=fwhm_factor, ) if gen_mask_return is not None: logger.warning( "The source %s mask is problematic. You may want " "to check source-mask-%0.5d.fits", gen_mask_return, gen_mask_return, ) with open(f"{out_dir}/problematic_masks.txt", 'a') as out: out.write(f"{gen_mask_return}\n") if plot_problems: gen_mask_return = gen_source_mask( source_id, source_x, source_y, lines=group, detection_cube=detection_cube, threshold=threshold, cont_sky=skymap, fwhm=fwhm, out_dir=out_dir, mask_size=mask_size, min_sky_npixels=min_sky_npixels, fwhm_factor=fwhm_factor, verbose=True, )
[docs]def compute_true_purity( cube_local_max, refcat, maxdist=4.5, threshmin=4, threshmax=7, plot=False, Pval=None ): """Compute the true purity using a reference catalog.""" ref = reflines = ref[ref['TYPE'] == 6] zref = cube_local_max.wave.pixel(reflines['LOBS']) kdref = cKDTree(np.array([reflines['Q'], reflines['P'], zref]).T) nref = len(ref) zM, yM, xM = np.where(cube_local_max._data > threshmin) cat0 = Table([xM, yM, zM], names=('x0', 'y0', 'z0')) cat0['T_GLR'] = cube_local_max._data[zM, yM, xM] thresh = np.arange(threshmin, threshmax, 0.1) res = [] for thr in thresh: cat = cat0[cat0['T_GLR'] > thr] ndetect = len(cat) kdt = cKDTree(np.array([cat['x0'], cat['y0'], cat['z0']]).T) true = [x for x in kdt.query_ball_tree(kdref, maxdist) if x] ntrue = len(true) nmiss = nref - len(set(itertools.chain.from_iterable(true))) res.append((thr, ndetect, ntrue, ndetect - ntrue, nmiss)) tbl = Table(rows=res, names=['thresh', 'ndetect', 'ntrue', 'nfalse', 'nmiss']) tbl['purity'] = 1 - tbl['nfalse'] / tbl['ndetect'] if plot: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7, 7)) ax.plot( tbl['thresh'], tbl['purity'], drawstyle='steps-mid', label='true purity' ) if Pval is None: print('a Pval table is required to plot the estimated purity') else: ind = (Pval['Tval_r'] >= threshmin) & (Pval['Tval_r'] <= threshmax) ax.plot( Pval['Tval_r'][ind], Pval['Pval_r'][ind], drawstyle='steps-mid', label='estimated purity', ) # err_est_purity = (np.sqrt(Pval['Det_m']) / Pval['Det_m'] + # np.sqrt(Pval['Det_M']) / Pval['Det_m']**2) # ax.errorbar(Pval['Tval_r'][ind], Pval['Pval_r'][ind], # err_est_purity[ind], fmt='o', label='Estimated Purity') ax.plot( tbl['thresh'], 1 - tbl['nmiss'] / nref, drawstyle='steps-mid', label='completeness', ) ax.set_ylim((0, 1)) ax.set_ylabel('purity / completeness') ax3 = ax.twinx() ax3.plot(tbl['thresh'], tbl['ntrue'], '-.', color='gray', drawstyle='steps-mid') ax3.plot( tbl['thresh'], tbl['nfalse'], '--', color='gray', drawstyle='steps-mid' ) ax3.set_yscale('log') fig.legend(ncol=2, loc='upper center') return tbl